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Unohana Cookies

Unohana Cookies

Regular price ¥291(税込)
Regular price ¥291 Sale price ¥291(税込)
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These cookies are made without eggs or butter, using only soy pulp and soy milk.

These cookies are made by kneading domestic wheat with soy pulp and soy milk, and baking them deliciously. They are plain cookies made without eggs or butter, and are made only from plant-based ingredients. Soy pulp, which has long been loved by Japanese people, is a healthy ingredient that contains dietary fiber. It is recommended as a snack, as it is easy to incorporate into your diet and is delicious.
[0.2g of dietary fiber per sheet]
[1 piece 19kcal]
[No eggs or butter used]

【expiration date】
180 days [Capacity]
20 sheets