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Organic Hatcho Miso

Organic Hatcho Miso

Regular price ¥862(税込)
Regular price ¥862 Sale price ¥862(税込)
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Hatcho miso is made using organically grown soybeans and carefully brewed using natural fermentation.

This is genuine Hatcho miso made from organically grown soybeans and carefully brewed using natural fermentation. It is brewed in traditional wooden barrels and aged over two summers and two winters. You can enjoy this flavorful raw miso.
[How to enjoy Hatcho miso]
○When making miso soup, use a strong stock. For a well-balanced taste, combine it with the rice miso, barley miso, etc. that you currently use at home to make a "mixed miso."
Mix finely chopped ginger, shiso leaves, and green onions with Hatcho miso, roll it out to a diameter of about 3cm and a thickness of about 1cm, and grill it. The result is fragrant grilled miso.



【expiration date】
180 days [How to use]
○The yeast, lactic acid bacteria, enzymes, etc. are packed alive and still alive.
○White yeast may appear on the surface, but it is harmless. Remove it and consume as soon as possible.
The white grains in miso are called millet grains and are blocks of amino acids.