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Shiitake mushroom

Shiitake mushroom

Regular price ¥1,328(税込)
Regular price ¥1,328 Sale price ¥1,328(税込)
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These are dried shiitake mushrooms made from fragrant domestically grown Koushin shiitake mushrooms that have been matured in the sun.
Koushin (Koushin) is harvested after it has opened, and the flesh of the cap is thin, and the roll is shallow and flat. Donko is used in dishes where the dried shiitake is the main focus, such as simmered or charcoal grilled, while Koushin is used in chirashi sushi and stir-fries, where it complements the flavor of other ingredients. Sliced ​​shiitake are quick to rehydrate and easy to prepare.

[Capacity] 80g